Bricks 4 Kidz – The Ultimate LEGO® Fun Education for Lego Loving Kids
Bricks 4 Kidz Use LEGO® Bricks to Foster S.T.E.M Skills in Kids

Bricks 4 Kidz LEGO® Learning Centers Can Now Be Found in Over 550 Franchise Locations In the United States.
Bricks 4 Kids is not only one of the fastest growing kids learning franchises in the United States, plus they are also growing into other international countries. If you have a Lego-loving child in your house, CLICK HERE to find a Bricks 4 Kidz franchise location near you.Here is a testimonial from what Mom thinks of her local the Bricks 4 Kidz learning centers:"My family learned about the Bricks 4 Kids last year when my son was in 2nd grade. He took the class at his school on Thursdays. After that, he was hooked! He could not wait for Thursdays. He was guided, encouraged and instructed in such a professional manner. My son always says, 'It is so much fun!' I see a possible architect one day!"— Beth S.School Teacher
Check Out this Great Bricks 4 Kidz Youtube Video
Why BOX4BLOX and Bricks 4 Kidz Make a Great Team
If you have visited your local Bricks 4 Kidz learning center you may have seen the BOX4BLOX as we have sold a lot of our brick sorter boxes to a lot of the Bricks 4 Kids franchisees in the United States.